Parents For Accountable Schools

Bringing accountability & transparency to Zionsville Schools

Who We Are.

Parents for Accountable Schools, or “PFAS”, was created in 2021 to improve accountability and transparency in our local school board, The Zionsville Board of Trustees.

To achieve this goal, we will help elect and support school board members who embrace accountability and transparency. PFAS believes that our Board is accountable to us—the Zionsville community.

As part of this mission, we will back board candidates who respect the paramount role of parents in our children’s education, who reflect the values of the electorate, and who will dedicate themselves to ensuring that our children get a great education, learning in classrooms free from inappropriate political bias.    

To be sure, some individuals with a vested interest in the status quo resent us. Our current Board President, for example, claims that PFAS is trying to “inject politics in education”. The opposite is true. 

We aren’t politicians—or political activists. We are parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other citizens of Zionsville who share a concern about our nation’s future—and the health, safety, prosperity, and happiness of our children.

Accountability: Board members who reflect the values and desires of parents and the greater Zionsville community – always seeking to understand the will of the electorate, vote accordingly and hold school leadership to the same standards.

Transparency: Board members who inform, listen, and actively engage with parents and community members.

PFAS is founded on the belief that promoting accountability and transparency creates sound governance leading to the best possible environment and experience for Zionsville Community Students.

The State of Accountability in Zionsville Community Schools

The stakes have never been higher. Parents should be the most engaged, informed, and active members of the community when it comes to school policy. The school board should be responsive to parental and community wisdom above all else. The two groups must collaborate on creating the safest and best learning environment for Zionsville Community School District students. Accountability enables better decision making in all areas of life. Community leadership positions should not be exempt from taking responsibility. Parents for Accountable Schools will support school board candidates who understand and promote an alignment to the Zionsville community’s collective wisdom and core values.

The State of Transparency in Zionsville Community Schools

If we don’t know what’s happening in classrooms and on the school board, we fail not only our kids but our community at large. We need board members who understand parents’ role and accommodate us through transparency because what we don’t know can hurt us.

Transparency is lacking between the ZCS Board of Trustees and the community. Under the current structure, ZCS board meetings are designed to legally bless decisions that have already been made - without parental and community input. The Board was recently asked about the process for constituents to add an item to the board meeting agenda. The response was there was no option because, “these meetings are our (the board’s) business meetings.” These anti-public sentiments are often repeated by board members who prefer to operate away from public view.

We acknowledge the added effort that transparency requires board members and will support candidates and incumbents willing to lean into the difficult and necessary work to have an authentic relationship with the community. Several members of the existing board have stated that they are close to the community and have a feel for what the community desires. Yet, these same members refuse to directly engage with constituents by answering questions at meetings and have rejected sincere invitations by ZCS parents to participate in town hall forums. We believe open Q&A is a critical component to increase transparency and trust.

Curriculum and Teaching  

PFAS supports age-appropriate robust examinations of worldviews, social issues, and political positions – with an eye toward critical thinking and respect. PFAS understands the only way to accomplish this is through teachers serving as unbiased classroom moderators who create a safe and supportive place for all viewpoints and individuals. Anything pointing to a teacher’s personal bias will hinder this important goal of creating well-rounded young citizens.    

PFAS acknowledges that teachers and school administration have a difficult task in our polarized world. Today is also an incredibly difficult time to be a parent. PFAS calls on all interested parties to rally together, have an open dialogue and work to keep the Zionsville School District among the most desirable in the state, region and nation.  Our future depends on it.

Join The Movement

Interested in learning more about PFAS, how to get involved, or running for School Board? Contact us today.